Monday, January 5, 2009

The Health Adventure Continues

The holiday season has now ended. For the Gator in Maine family, it disappeared Saturday when our Christmas Village 2008 was completely removed from our living room, packed away in all the original boxes, and stored in their closets. The homemade tables and the Styrofoam bases were all disassembled and stored. They won’t be touched now until the construction of Village 2009 begins next Nov. 11th.

The weather we experienced overnight isn’t the kind I like when it is absolutely necessary I go out. Normally, snow and freezing rain and ice would keep me home as I have a fear of falling. One of my medical conditions is osteoporosis, a bone weakener. If I fall, there’s a good chance something will break. But the overnight storm is over here and traveling won’t be too bad.

Today continues the long series of doctor visits I go through between September and February. This one, however, is that routine one that most everyone goes through every year and began long before my events around the turn of the century. It is always such fun when the main doctor on my team reaches for that rubber glove.

There won’t be any surprises. I’ve been poked, prodded, listened to, and probed several times already since September. I’ve even been to the hospital for a cardio procedure. My main man has been kept informed by the other team members of all the results and I’ve even visited with him to discuss what was happening.

He already knows for the most part what’s going on inside so he’ll just check some of those other things the other team members don’t do. We’ll review my many prescriptions and he’ll write the orders for this year’s supply. He is responsible for all of them, even though some were originally prescribed by another doctor. With just one doctor in charge of them, the chance for some dangerous interaction is considerably reduced.

I visit several doctors and other health professionals each year. My Primary Care Physician (PCP) has always been part of the process with just a couple exceptions. I had a couple major events, one of which was seriously life threatening, back in 2000 and 2001. I got lucky in both instances as super doctors just happened to be at the hospitals as the ambulance arrived with me.

One of the two is still a team member and the rest have been handpicked with approval of my PCP. The one no longer on the team was because the condition he treated, a crushed hip, was determined to be as healed as it would ever get.

I’m hoping when I get back home today I’ll have a message that my new glasses are ready. If that is the case, I’ll head back out to get them.

So, the holiday season has ended. My season of poking continues. It won’t end today.

Go Gators! Beat Sooners Thursday night!


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