I don't think our weekend storm did exactly what the forecasters thought it would, but certainly some places in our section of the state picked up a substantial amount for an October storm. I haven't seen any official words yet, but I'd be very surprised if in many places a record wasn't set for October depth.
The little plot of Gator Land didn't get very much depth, but we did experience some limb problems. My unofficial ruler said we got about 1 5/8 inches. That was on the front steps. It could have been a wee bit deeper in other spots around the yard. But not too far from here, reports of 4 to 8 inches were common and just a wee bit further were reports in excess of 20 inches.
The heaviness of the snow did the most damage though. Thousands lost power at least temporarily during the storm. We had between 30 and 40 limbs come down in our yard, but none threatened any wires. Knock on that wood, we didn't lose power nor cable nor internet nor telephone. We've got our limbs dragged to our long driveway and hope we can get our neighbor, who has a one-ton dump truck, can take them to the disposable place for us.
The sun came out around lunch time Sunday and by evening much of the slush and glop had begun its trip to the never-never land.
It was, no matter where you were in Maine, or anywhere in New England for that matter, an October storm to remember. Let's hope it wasn't any kind of harbinger of November and December and beyond.
A friendly reminder here, especially if you don't have tots at home and have forgotten. Monday is Halloween. It gets dark very early these days and the costumed kids sometimes are hard to pick up by drivers. As you drive tonight, pay special attention to the roaming trick or treaters. I don't know if the tradition has continued or not, probably in today's ridiculous politically correct madness it hasn't, but back a few years at least, when my kids were still in school, many youngsters of all ages dressed up in costume to wear to school.
You might want to be watchful at bus stops and walking routes to and from school, too. Excited kids aren't concerned about you; you must be concerned about them.
I did learn a lesson Sunday. I headed outside when the snow was still creating a rather beautiful scene in our yard. The maple trees in our front yard and put their limbs, at least the ones that stayed on the trees, all the way to the ground, just like they were holding up the tree. The camera's battery was deader than the proverbial doornail. Well, not to worry, I had another one inside. It was, however, equally as dead. No pictures.
As I thought back, I don't remember putting a charge on them since before we went to Branson, MO, last October. And I know better than thinking an unused battery holds its charge. Unfortunately for me, by the time I got one of them charged, there was no more picture opportunity. It's really too bad for me. I'd like to have a penny for every time over the years. my wife and I have commented on the absolute beauty of nature in all its destructiveness.
At least the storm did one good thing; it gave me time to do some research on next week's ballot. Nothing national facing us, but we do have some statewide referenda, some county and local questions, and some people to put into various offices needing consideration. My mind is made up on everything on our ballot; but in fairness, it has probably been made up on the question topics for quite a while.
I hope you have made yourselves equally as informed in your area. Voting is one of the most important duties we have. We'll probably take the opportunity to visit our town office sometime this week and cast our ballot. After all, like every single voting age person in Maine, we don't have to wait until election day to register and vote. And that, of course, is true even for anyone who has yet to register.
I also think...big word there, think...I've narrowed my list of Republican presidential candidates I hope to support to one. So far, that person is not at the top of the polls. But I still have the perogative to change my mind as the discussions continue.