Saturday, April 17, 2010

Blah Weekend!

This isn't one of the nicest weekends we've had this spring.  In fact, it's very close to being about the worst.  It's cold, wet, and some places have even seen some snow.

I suspect most of our kids are looking upon this weekend as a terrible start to school vacation week.  Possibly teachers, too.

All the plans the Gator Clan had for the weekend have gone by the wayside.  Gator Wife and Gator Daughter had thought about beginning their outside spring work.  We were also going to drop the first feeding of our annual fertilizer and GD was planning to take Gator Golden home for a 24 hour period so GG wouldn't get sick.

It's hard to believe, after the great month of March that we're now getting early spring weather.  In any case, our weekend is all messed up. 

Sorry to sound so negative, but I got spoiled during late winter and the first couple weeks of spring.  I liked that weather much better.

Enjoy your weekend.


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