Thursday, June 9, 2011

At least it may only last today!

The temperature right now isn't bad; in fact it's in the mid 70s on the Gator Deck.  But move.  Just slowly walk from one place to another and see what happens to your clothing.  Here, the moisture just rolls down the back.  Even though the temperature will continue to rise for a while, probably into the 80s in our area, maybe even a low 90, it's that darn humidity that stifles all ambition.

And it has stifled mine.  Gator Wife doesn't go to her parttime job on Thursdays so both of us have decided that this is a day to just get caught up on a little rest, some reading (she does books but I mostly read news), and just concentrate on being comfortable.  Of course we do have that central air to help us out.

So that's the way it'll be on the swamp this Thursday.

This is also one of the days I seriously hope WCSH weatherman Kevin Mannix doesn't know what he's talking about.  He also says there are chances of strong thunderstorms, hail, wind, this afternoon.  The worst thing I saw on his little chart was a 96 temperature reading.  I think if that happens it will be well away from the coast.

His good news was that once this day is over, the humidity and heat will leave us for a while and tomorrow through the weekend should be rather nice.

I should change one observation I made earlier this week.  I had said that the Democrats rally around their own; and when one has an indiscretion like Congressman Weiner has admitted to, nothing really happens "as long as it doesn't affect his congressional duties."  I don't remember ever reading about Democrats throwing one of their own under the bus like they're now doing to Weiner.  I'm sure he's not the first, but I can name many who have received no punishment.

Even Maine's own Congressman Michaud has called for Weiner to resign.  Our other representative, however, has said Weiner's actions didn't affect his duties.

I think I don't understand the thinking of the Maine Legislature that killed a bill requiring people to use their gender specific rest rooms and not necessarily the one they "identify" with.  I think it might be cruel to make a teenage girl, for example, walk into a ladie's room to face a teenage guy in there.  It's a human rights issue, said the supporters of killing the bill.  Did anyone consider the human rights of that girl? 

We have a Republican majority House, and Republican majority Senate, and a Republican governor.  I wish someone would explain why the Democrats are in control.


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