Saturday, March 20, 2010

The pups love the arrival of spring

Tuesday, March 22...Nothing new today.

Monday, March 21...Nothing new today.

Spring has now officially sprung!  And what a beautiful happening it was!  A couple of Gator pups had a grand time as spring replaced winter for this half of the year.  "Pups" might be a little misnomer...both dogs, Gator Golden and her sister, our daughter's dog, are well over six years old.  As I suspect it is with most families, our son and daughter, both in their 40s, are still our "kids."  As so it is, GG is our pup.

That's Gator Golden nearest us with her sister romping in our back yard as they welcomed the season change.  They were chasing each other around for a goodly part of the early afternoon.

GG urges her "Mommy" to "Please toss the ball."

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