Time is running out for those bombardments, the bombardments of political advertising lying to me about all the terrible things that will happen if I vote “Yes” or if I vote “No” on all those state issues. I’ve known ever since this political season began several years ago that September into November would be brutal.
Just think how bad it would be if we were facing people elections on the state or national levels along with the citizen initiatives. Most communities do have people elections on the local level, for city/town councils, school boards, water districts, counties, etc., varying with the cities/towns. Some of those locals also have bonding questions or referenda of their own.
I think one of the worst shams being put out there is the sham the Vote No on TABOR group is putting out. They talk only of massive cuts and how education will be cut. TABOR doesn’t cut anything, it only limits growth. And then it gives the communities the chance to override a budget with a vote of the people. If the community has made its case for more increase than the increase already allowed, then, like school budget votes, it’ll get passed. TABOR cuts nothing.
Just think how bad it would be if we were facing people elections on the state or national levels along with the citizen initiatives. Most communities do have people elections on the local level, for city/town councils, school boards, water districts, counties, etc., varying with the cities/towns. Some of those locals also have bonding questions or referenda of their own.
I think one of the worst shams being put out there is the sham the Vote No on TABOR group is putting out. They talk only of massive cuts and how education will be cut. TABOR doesn’t cut anything, it only limits growth. And then it gives the communities the chance to override a budget with a vote of the people. If the community has made its case for more increase than the increase already allowed, then, like school budget votes, it’ll get passed. TABOR cuts nothing.
That ad that tells us TABOR will take local control away from local communities is a super big "Wow!" If anything, passage of Question 4 will give MORE control to the residents of a community.
As for the massive cuts in schools, TABOR doesn’t affect schools. That part of the budget was passed over a year ago by the Legislature. And, folks, it already requires a community vote on the school budget no matter if it stays the same or if the school committee cuts or increases it.
As for the massive cuts in schools, TABOR doesn’t affect schools. That part of the budget was passed over a year ago by the Legislature. And, folks, it already requires a community vote on the school budget no matter if it stays the same or if the school committee cuts or increases it.
Those budget cuts we’re hearing about now are all because the State has already failed to create a prioritized budget and isn’t receiving the tax money it says it would get. TABOR has nothing to do with it, yet as we watch that poor girl commit suicide pretending to be a science teacher, we’re supposed to believe it’s because of TABOR.
Yesterday was the big day for Microsoft Windows 7. I pre-bought my version for half price last spring. It came yesterday. One of the things one should do before installing is run a compatibility check with the computer on which it would be installed. I have three computers in service, but one of them is older than Methuselah so I had no intention of even considering it for that one.
My main computer is operated by Windows XP Professional and my laptop is controlled by Windows VISTA Home Premium. It would be less expensive to buy a brand new Windows 7 operated computer than attempt to upgrade my XP machine. Virtually every card, such as the video card, needed to be replaced. Not just the drivers, mind you, the cards. It’s not exactly a new XP machine. Some of the other drivers as well as some of the software also needed to be upgraded. And then it would require a totally new install of everything.
Even the memory on that main computer was marginal for Windows 7, but memory is relatively inexpensive. I decided the XP computer would remain an XP computer for the foreseeable future.
So, that left the laptop. It had a couple of driver problems but the compatibility check said they would be fixed on an upgrade right after the install. Well, I decided to go forward. I hit the “install” button and sat back to watch. Pop! A window. “This version of Windows 7 is not compatible with Windows VISTA Home Premium.” It then suggested I back everything up (I do that daily anyway) and do a full, clean install which would require a reformat of the hard drive and reinstallation of all my programs.
Today I’m running Windows VISTA; my credit card has been credited with the cost of the program; and I’m a “happy camper.” I hope any of you who upgraded had better luck than I.
Yesterday was the big day for Microsoft Windows 7. I pre-bought my version for half price last spring. It came yesterday. One of the things one should do before installing is run a compatibility check with the computer on which it would be installed. I have three computers in service, but one of them is older than Methuselah so I had no intention of even considering it for that one.
My main computer is operated by Windows XP Professional and my laptop is controlled by Windows VISTA Home Premium. It would be less expensive to buy a brand new Windows 7 operated computer than attempt to upgrade my XP machine. Virtually every card, such as the video card, needed to be replaced. Not just the drivers, mind you, the cards. It’s not exactly a new XP machine. Some of the other drivers as well as some of the software also needed to be upgraded. And then it would require a totally new install of everything.
Even the memory on that main computer was marginal for Windows 7, but memory is relatively inexpensive. I decided the XP computer would remain an XP computer for the foreseeable future.
So, that left the laptop. It had a couple of driver problems but the compatibility check said they would be fixed on an upgrade right after the install. Well, I decided to go forward. I hit the “install” button and sat back to watch. Pop! A window. “This version of Windows 7 is not compatible with Windows VISTA Home Premium.” It then suggested I back everything up (I do that daily anyway) and do a full, clean install which would require a reformat of the hard drive and reinstallation of all my programs.
Today I’m running Windows VISTA; my credit card has been credited with the cost of the program; and I’m a “happy camper.” I hope any of you who upgraded had better luck than I.
(Windows, XP Professional, XP, VISTA, Windows 7 are all registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.)
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