Monday, April 4, 2011

Waiting (No more: Edited Wed., 2:30 PM)

The staples have been removed and the vet said the dog is doing extremely well; so well, in fact, she no longer has to be on leash outside the house and can be alone for five to ten minutes to be more active.  GG has already shown how much happier she is. 


Gator Golden waits patiently for Wednesday to come.  That's when she gets the staples removed from her surgically repaired knee.  She still has several more weeks of recuperation, however.
Edited Tuesday PM to add the following picture
"Please make Wednesday come quicker!"

"Oh, I hope FF and Mrs. FF have a safe trip home beginning Wednesday."



Anonymous said...

Nice pose GG. That's what we like to see. Good luck Wednesday. Be a good girl and leave the staples alone!


GiM said...

I read this to her; now we'll have to see if she listened.