Thursday, October 30, 2008

An early start: Thanks Gator Golden

We, Gator Wife and I, were up just a little bit early this morning. Gator Golden apparently heard something outside and became restless. When GG gets restless that time of morning, it means sleep time is over. We have no idea what she heard, or thought she heard, but we got up.

The good part of that, I suppose, is that I’m getting this post written before I head out for Thursday Senior Fitness. The normal morning activities have been accomplished and I’m here in the TV room, or den if you wish, having my morning cup of coffee, and jotting down these thoughts.

Congratulations this morning to the Philadelphia Phillies for winning the World Series Championship last night. Because it was the completion of Monday’s weather suspended game, I got to see the end. They beat the Tampa Bay Rays 4-3 to win the series 4 games to 1.

Yesterday was the really great day I experience on the fourth Monday of the month. Our little lunch group of retirees met for our monthly talk, eat, and gossip. We were all there, except for the snowbird. One of the group spends a little more than six months in Florida as he has established residency there and spends a little time up here in good weather. He went home a week or so ago.

But the rest were there. Too much to talk about so it seems the gossip part was eliminated. We don’t really gossip, but if someone has decided to stay away from a meeting, he may get just a little fun poked about him. The upcoming elections…we all agreed we were sick of them…and sports…I don’t think we ever tire of sports…were our main topics.

I think I must have gotten a pretty good night’s sleep last night, until GG decided we had enough as my old body feels pretty good this morning. I’m looking forward to my exercise session. In all fairness, I always look forward even when the weather is bad and I know I’m going to feel some pain. I also enjoy the company of my fellow seniors in the program.

As soon as I get home, WG and I are heading out for some breakfast at I-HOP. We’ve been tweaked by some new pancakes we’ve seen advertised lately. The I-HOP over in South Portland near the Mall does an excellent job with its food and service. So today I’m going to splurge and take GW out to breakfast.

I have no clue what’s up for the rest of the day. I think there may be a little shopping. If, and that’s a huge “if,” the leaves dry this morning, I suspect there’ll a little riding around the yard vacuuming up the leaves and trimming the lawn. If we do that, it’ll probably be the last trim of the season. There may be an acorn or two out there that needs to be eliminated.

So, an early start and no particular agenda create a rather light post for this day. So be it. Have a great day and we’ll try again tomorrow.


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