Monday, October 15, 2012

Yellow Dots

My wife and I both have a car.  Mine is very old, hers was new a year ago.  We added something to them over the weekend.  We have a yellow dot on our cars' back windows.

The Cumberland County Yellow Dot Program is designed to give first responders a quick, easy heads up in case the vehicle sporting a yellow dot is in an emergency situation.  The dot tells first responders that a yellow folder is in the car's glove compartment and that folder contains important health information.

That information could very well save a life, especially if the driver is unconscious or confused.  The emergency personnel immediately have access to vital information such as heart trouble, diabetes, or any other health condition that could hinder immediate first aid.  In my situation, for example, paramedics would know I have an implanted defibrillator.

The pamphlet in the yellow folder contains a picture of the participant and emergency contact information including names, addresses, and phone numbers.  There's a section for medications being taken, allergies, a long checklist of medical conditions including spaces for conditions not listed.  There are spaces for the names of your physicians and contact information as well as your hospital preference.

You're not restricted to just one information sheet, except a photo the owner of the information must be on the sheet.  In our case we have the identification for both of us in both of our cars so we're giving first responders all the quick information we can if an emergency occurs. 

The Yellow Dot Program started last Saturday and several places were established in the County to provide the opportunity of join it. I did it at the Scarborough Police Station and the volunteers there made the process so easy and simple.  They were a joy.  It is my understanding, though, that an appointment is necessary henceforth to become a participant.

Due to a generous donation by the Town of Gorham and several business sponsors such as Wal-mart and Moody's Collision Centers, participation in the program is free.  Among other business contributors are ODAT Machine, Inc., In-Home Senior Services, Home Instead Senior Care, Gorham Westbrook Triad, Best Buy, Gorham Health Council, Full Court Press, and Rowe Ford Sales.

I highly recommend everyone's participation.  Just having that up-to-date information readily available for a first responder could save your life.  WCSH TV 6 had a story on the program during its weekend newscasts.

While we were there, we learned of another program that helps people at home.  We picked up a similar health information sheet provided by the Scarborough Public Safety Department.  Its eye-catching color will give those emergency responders the same information if you're at home when a situation arises.

It's my understanding that hope exists for the Yellow Dot Program to spread throughout the state.

This Scarborough program along with the Cumberland County Yellow Dot Program can give you peace of mind that mistakes can possibly be avoided in an emergency.


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