Friday, January 29, 2016

A Quickie!

Another weekend.  And it's the end of January.  Did anyone tell the Maine weather gods that it's supposed to be cold?  And snowy?  Well, I'm thankful it isn't snowy.  We're also in for another week of "warm" temperatures, at least mostly above the average for February.  I'm not complaining.

I think one of the better lines I heard last week was a friend discussing the temperatures.  "Have you noticed the difference of people's attitudes when the temperature falls from the 40' to 20 and when the temperature rises from zero to 20?"

The hardest part of this weekend is the lack of college, or NFL for that matter, football games.  I don't consider "all-star" games as real games.  College ones come the closest as most players in them are trying to impress the NFL scouts.  The pro game, though, is just a showcase as far as I'm concerned.

I had thought the debate season had ended and praised the end.  It hadn't.  We've had two more since, one for each party.  I didn't watch either.  All the candidates were trying to gain the votes of Iowans who hold their caucuses Monday night.

Donald Trump claimed he was the winner of the Republican debate despite his not being involved in it.  He threw a tizzy-fit and refused to attend because he didn't like the network moderator.  He did lead a huge fund raising event for veterans which was very successful.  I guess that's why he claimed victory.

It'll be interesting to see how Hillary Clinton's minions explain away the latest concerning her e-mails and her private mail server.  Seems several of the messages were Top Secret.  She has been proclaiming no confidential correspondence took place.  Sadly, though, probably no one really cares.

Can anyone explain any real, honest successes she's had?  I gave you a link to a multitude of non-successes a few posts ago.

Some personal and family events have kept me rather quiet.  I think the beginning of February would be a good time to begin here again.


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