Imagine that little county in Florida which had a measly 141% of its registered voters willing to cast votes. And that's just one of the voter frauds we don't have.
And here's another story we won't take too seriously...citizens in 20 states are petitioning the feds to secede from the Union.
Enough of political stuff...for now.
As we mentioned over the past weekend, the family has begun construction om our 2012 Christmas Village. The Village is an annual event which grew from just one Department 56 Lit Piece to a collection that can't all be displayed in one season. We begin on Veterans' Day, Nov. 11th, and plan completion no later than the weekend after Thanksgiving.
The Village remains on display until after the New Year.
We made terrific progress this past weekend. Here are some sample construction pictures:
In the past, that little table has been stored under the display, but this year we've moved it to make room to crawl under the frame to manage the lights.
Altough they may not be in the final position just yet, here we've added some structures as we move pieces around to create a Village atmosphere. This is a beginning and far from a completed product.
Our signature corner section will give you an idea of the many different accessories we include. There are people, vendors, trees, other accessories, and Department 56 Fresh Fallen Snow (not included here, yet). Of course, you can still see the frame here, but it will be concealed with a skirt, the last item to go on the display next week.
If you are a Village follower, you may remember the focus piece last year was Princess Diane's home, Kensington Palace. The focal point this year is another palace, a Department 56 numbered piece, Ramsford Palace.
I'll have more construction pictures in another, later post.
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